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Cursos de orientación profesional para especialistas forenses

Forensic Science I

Forensic Science I: Secrets of the Dead

Fingerprints. Blood spatters. Gunshot residue. If these things intrigue you rather than scare you, then forensic science may be for you. Explore the riveting job of crime scene analysis, and learn the techniques and practices applied during a crime scene investigation, including how clues and data are recorded and preserved. Discover how technology is applied to make discoveries and bring criminals to justice.

Cybersecurity 1A

Cybersecurity 1A: Foundations

We depend more on the technologies we interact with every day; and we put more and more of our personal data out there online. Can all of that data really be kept “secret”? Learn about the various parts of your computer, how they work together, and how you can manipulate them to keep your data safe. Dive into the tools, technologies, and methods that will help protect you from an attack and discover the many opportunities in the rapidly growing field of cybersecurity.

Forensic Science II:

Forensic Science II: More Secrets of the Dead

The best way to battle crime these days is not with a weapon, but with science. Dig deeper into the science of forensics and the basic scientific principles used in the lab, such as toxicology, material analysis, microscopy, and forensic anthropology. Find out how scientists use everything from insects to bones to help them solve crimes. And discover how advanced techniques and technology can lead to catching even the craftiest criminal.

Cybersecurity 1B

Cybersecurity 1B: Defense Against Threats

Unmask the cybersecurity threats around you by understanding hackers and identifying weaknesses in your online behavior. Learn to avoid the various types of cyberattacks, including those to your social media accounts, and to predict the potential legal consequences of sharing or accessing information that you do not have rights to. Dig into these crimes in depth by taking a look at cyber forensics and other cybersecurity careers. Cybersecurity will play an increasingly larger role in our personal and professional lives in the years to come.

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