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Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1A: Introduction

Unidades del curso de orientación profesional para comercializadores de deportes y entretenimiento

Unit 1: The Big Ideas of Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Adding the words “sports” and “entertainment” in front of the word “marketing” makes the topic of marketing seem much more exciting, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because it is! If you’re taking this course, then you too are probably drawn to sports, entertainment, or both. Maybe you’re an athlete. Or maybe you’re a sports fan. Or maybe you love going to concerts or going to the theater. Whatever drives your interest, this course will help you understand why the Sports and Entertainment industry generates more than a trillion dollars in global business every year—and it’s only growing. That’s why it’s critical for organizations to market their goods and services effectively to the people who will ultimately purchase what they are offering. After all, customers want what the industry is selling, and there’s a lot of money to be made in this industry!

Unit 2: Product & Service Central

After completing the last unit, competitions, athletes, spectators, and fans should be fresh on your mind. And so should half-time shows, in-game entertainment, partners, and sponsors. By now, you’ve had a solid introduction to these concepts and how they all play into sports and entertainment marketing. But marketers themselves must consider all these shifting components (and more!) in order to promote and sell just one successful sports and entertainment product. Is that even possible with so many different factors involved? Yes, it is. It’s not easy by any means, and it’s certainly more challenging than marketing a traditional product—but it is possible. In this unit, we’ll see how marketers are able to do this.

Unit 3: The ABCs of Business Communications

Communications for public and media relations is about building relationships. But that’s just the beginning. You’ll need to provide important information to the people in those relationships so they can share that information to the public to promote your product. More importantly, the person responsible for public relations within an organization must be able to reach these intermediary groups in unique and meaningful ways. That’s why a skillful public relations expert must be an effective communicator—someone who’s able to produce materials that contain up-to-date, accurate, and reliable information in clear, concise, and interesting ways.

Unit 4: Principles of Promotion

Promotion is a word that’s frequently used in sports and entertainment marketing. Organizations deploy many promotional strategies to engage and excite the customer, and each strategy presents a different purpose where marketing is concerned. Each strategy, at its core, is all about communication. It takes a savvy marketing team to determine which strategy, or which combination of strategies, will be optimal to use in any given situation. This unit will delve into each of these approaches as we focus on the kinds of events that occur in the sports and entertainment industry.

Unit 5: Money & Marketing

This unit will have you exploring the retail side of the sports and entertainment industry, focusing on the sporting goods sector. We’ll be examining both the identity of the customers and the changes in how sporting goods are sold. But with that knowledge comes the need for understanding when to raise and lower prices, as well as when to offer promotions to increase company revenue. As you continue through the unit, you will be introduced to the ways that sports and entertainment events contribute to both tourism and the economy.

Unit 6: Career Investigation & Planning

By now you’ve been introduced to many functional tasks facing the sports and entertainment marketer. Have any of these areas appealed to you enough for you to pursue a potential career in this line of work? Whether you’re leaning toward a career in sports and entertainment or in another field altogether, this unit will help you set goals and know where to research jobs so that you can be prepared for an exciting career ahead—no matter where you go.

Unit 7: Entrepreneurship 101

Owning your own business takes passion, commitment, and resilience. Every business owner face challenges, but those who learn to operate efficiently can also reap the rewards that come with owning a business. In this unit, you’ll learn how to capitalize on changing market trends in the sports and entertainment industry. Identifying these trends will help you in determining where to find fresh opportunities for potential new business ventures. Once you’ve discovered how to spot promising opportunities in a particular market, you will then learn what it takes to be your own boss as well as the steps you’ll need to take to get your business venture going.